New Hope,
Better Life


Healthcareand medical serviceacts and regulatoryrequirements

Honest deliveryof productinformation

Relationshipwith the marketand healthcareexperts



Healthcare and medical service acts and regulatory requirements

Lacerta complies with numerous guidelines and regulations designed to protect patients and consumers, improve the quality of medicine and medical supplies as well as healthcare services, and remove fraud and undue influence on a medical judgment. Lacerta also does its best to meet all legal and regulatory requirements related to our business, including product development, manufacturing, distribution, and marketing. As Lacerta is a global company, the legal and regulatory requirements of one country may be applied to those of another country. Generally, stricter regulatory requirements will be applied if local legal and regulatory requirements conflict with Lacerta’s policy.

Honest delivery of product informationTrust is an important factor of Lacerta's business.

Lacerta makes efforts to gain the trust of healthcare experts regarding our research and its results and to gain the trust of consumers in the quality of our products. In addition, shareholders expect Lacerta to continue to increase the value of our stock. For this reason, Lacerta is doing its best to provide stakeholders with up-to-date information on our products by providing honest production information to patients, consumers, healthcare experts, and regulatory agencies all over the world.

Relationship with the market and healthcare experts

Lacerta interacts with healthcare experts in a variety of ways including medical information exchange, promotional activities, research and training, etc. Lacerta is doing its best to comply with the related laws and regulations with the most honest attitude in all aspects of its relationship with healthcare experts. Lacerta also makes all efforts to remain honest in its marketing practices. Lacerta ensures that all promotional materials and communications are accurate, leaving no room for misunderstanding, and satisfy all applicable medical, legal, and regulatory requirements including the standards regarding proof, scientific rigor, and balance. Lacerta does not post any advertising that can be false or misleading, does not offer bribes to competitors, customers, or healthcare experts, and does not engage in illegal or unfair activities regarding competitors’ products.

Lacerta's compliance program

Lacerta’s compliance program is designed to ensure that employees conduct their tasks legally and ethically throughout the company’s business. The chief compliance officer reviews Llacerta’s compliance program, eliminates risk areas in cooperation with other teams, and ensures compliance with Lacerta’s standards. The ethics management office has the responsibility of investigating any potential for serious legal or policy violation or suspicious behavior.

Our responsibilities

Lacerta’s employees have both the privilege and responsibility of maintaining the company’s reputation, and are actually practicing such responsibility when acting ethically and lawfully. If a proper decision cannot be made or if there is a question or concern, the available in-house resources shall be applied to resolve these issues. Also, employees shall report risk-related issues to the company upon recognizing a potential problem. It is recommended to report before a problem actually occurs. Once reported, management can handle the potential problem and protect the company, employees, and the public. If an employee or a person acting on behalf of Lacerta has violated or seems to violate the law or Lacerta’s policy, it is immediately reported to the immediate supervisor, HR team, or ethics management office. Lacerta has hired external experts to conduct review, audit and create a compliance roadmap for the company and its suppliers, which include ethical standards, anti-corruption policies, business ethics, anti-corruption policies, whistleblower protection, and etc.”

Lacerta Tokyo Сo.,Ltd.

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